Friday, December 5, 2008

Product Sampling Marketing Brands

The value of sampling - 2007 PROMO Industry Trends Report, "Expenditure for the sampling rose 9.4% to 2 billion U.S. dollars" because of its ability "to consumers, the promotion of brand interaction and measure ROI." As "advertrying" in a recent article, the sampling has been a resurgence in recent years, evolving from a high-price tactics of handing out free products to the new mass media buy. According to, brands are looking for new ways to target consumers in a pinched economy. Consumer involvement -
Product Sampling Council of the Promotion Marketing Association, nine out of ten consumers say they would purchase a product or service, if they experienced it and were satisfied. Consumers looking to test products before they make their buying decisions and the more they can mark with a sample process, the more prepared and confident, feels a consumer to a final purchase. The commitment by the consumer sampling process allows brands the opportunity to effectively connect with the consumer, leading to a higher likelihood of a final purchasing decision. - Accountability and effective ROI -, Seth Goldman, founder of Honest Tea was quoted as saying: "We can look at sales numbers in ZIP codes in the areas that we have tried and look for spikes in sales." Sampling provides an accountability factor because of the simplicity of the prosecution of the campaign. Whether its coupon samples at a community center or product samples at the local race, local and regional distribution reacts, and thus a clear indication of the success of the program. It defines "impressions" through the creation of consumer interaction with the product and measuring the sales impact. Tangible benefits of sampling - If ROI is the measurement of choice, which simply beats sampling from the marketing competition due to its ability to turnover. Increased trade benefits - The sampling in the relevant environments in which the consumer has an affinity for the product is important, a campaign for success. The sampling is an effective marketing tool, since consumers and affinity for the product may be on the relevance of the environment. Another sampling benefits for the brand is the increased possibility of a "halo effect". A "halo effect" is when the perceived positive features of a particular position on a broader brand. The sampling increases the likelihood of a "halo effect" because of his ability to have consumers test the product, increasing the awareness of the brand and the brand of other available products. Once the consumer is able to brand the name, as well as an affinity for the brand, they are more likely to experiment, the other products of the same brand. Marketing campaigns all come to an effective ROI and with the controlling and relevant benefits that sampling offers.

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